Wednesday, December 07, 2005

India hits back in 'bio-piracy' battle

I came across this very interesting article when I logged into my Google personalized web page. I was very impressed with the initiative and effort that is taking place. I wish someone can find out if there is a trust that I can donate a portion of my money for such initiatives. I'm sure in these times the world is bound to take India seriously. You can read the article here.


In a quiet government office in the Indian capital, Delhi, some 100 doctors are hunched over computers poring over ancient medical texts and keying in information.
These doctors are practitioners of ayurveda, unani and siddha, ancient Indian medical systems that date back thousands of years.

One of them is Jaya Saklani Kala, a young ayurveda doctor, who is wading through a dog-eared 500-year-old text book for information on a medicine derived from the mango fruit.

"Soon the world will know the medicine, and the fact that it originated from India," she says.