Saturday, October 07, 2017

A trip to India - Reflection

Made my first solo trip to India Oct 2017. I was not sure how it'll go this time as all other times has been with my family. I had to make this trip as I thought about it last year around the same time. This year was going to be my dad's 75th birthday. I've not been there with him for his birthdays for some 20 years now. 75, being a milestone, I was hoping to make it this time. Some things fell in place timely to help me make this trip. I had a couple of things to accomplish this time. One, spend a good time with mom and dad on Oct 1st on his birthday. I also wished for my brother and his family to be able to be there on this day. With a bit of luck we were all able to get together. My little bro found a nice resort bit outside Hyderabad, Palm Exotica. It's a good place. The room came with a private pool. It seemed like we had this big place for just one family. BTW this was the first time I ventured into a swimming pool. Who would have thunk it. We had good food and some fun at this place. We had dad cut a lovely cake bro bought. The whole thing was relaxing and awesome, thanks to my bro's planning.

The Bro - I've always known my bro to be much cooler than me. Going the family way, we have both lived most part of the time apart. Me abroad and he in our birth city Hyderabad. I've always admired him and appreciated the fact that he is always there for my parents when they need help and I can't do the same. Every time I visit India I usually stay with my bro. I've observed him being the dad to a toddler and a husband. I try to observer anyone, at any chance I get, being a parent to their kid. I always think there is much to learn for me. I sincerely think I've not been the best for my kid. Watching my bro has been a valuable learning for me. He is much calmer and patient than me. He has made sure his kid grows up these beginning years with the affection of grandparents. I now think that should be the way everyone should look for. I visit India and see my aging parents every few years. Being abroad I tend to think they are young like when I was younger. But realize upon my visits that there are aging and need regular attention and care. I really appreciate my bro being there for them when they need help. Honestly, he is a much better son to them than I would ever be. I hope I'm there for him anytime he needs me.

The mom - I know I've not appreciated my mom openly. Whatever I'm today is because of her initiative. She has been to date a true mother to her cubs. She is the kind who will move mountains for her kids. It does not matter if she is capable or not. This is for every little thing. If not for her foresight I don't think I would have been in the profession I'm in today. In turn the profession has taken me to places I wouldn't have gone. Dad has always been the laid back, none motivating type. He left everything to us. I remember mom pulling all strings possible to get me and my bro admission into Little Flower High School. If I remember right she forced herself to meet with the principal to push for our admissions. That was just the beginning. Intermediate, though I may have got admission into the college I wanted based on merit, she proactively pulled some strings to make sure I got in. I remember, one exam day, I had told her I was nervous about the exam. She called the college principal, who she knew as a friend, and had him put a word to the examiner at the exam center. The examiner came to me to tell me that he could help if I needed help. Incidentally, I was ok and did not need help. Not sure If I would have taken help as I was a timid guy then. After graduation when I was looking for some professional training to help get a job, mom encouraged me to join NIIT. One of the premium institutes training in computer applications then. Luckily computers became interesting to me and turned my goals in that direction. After PG when it was a bit tough getting my first break, mom took help from a neighborhood friend, who was working for a software company and got me a 2 months probational job at that company. That's when my current career took off. After a couple of years working when I was ready to join the bandwagon going abroad, she found friends/contact, who had connections in Canada. When I was almost about to go to Canada I got an opportunity to go to USA and I picked that. The USA opportunity came from the same person who helped get me my first job, all because of my mom. I truly owe it to her more than just as a mom.

The place - Our house at T'Nagar - man has that place changed. This is probably the first time I had enough time to walk around and take in the changes to the place where I grew up a good amount of years. It's now not recognizable. I'm sure no one will believe if I say we played cricket in front of our house in the open land. It's nice dad still has a flat on the lot our old house was on. I truly miss those days.

- Signing out at T'nagar colony, Hyderabad.