Monday, April 07, 2008

Not just our Mom's Birthday...also a proud day for us.

My brother, Anand, announced to the family that he has been officially signed to direct his first film and was given a decent office and a signing bonus. Mom says, no better birthday gift to her.

I should say, the years of our Mom's prayers and Anand's persistence to stick with his dream, may have paid off.

Being from a truly none filmy family, I'm sure we can imagine how hard it is for someone to pursue this line as a career. There have been millions of times that I have told Anand to think about something else or even consider other lines like Television. Anand dreamt about directing his first film and he stuck to it. We realize how fulfilling it is only when dreams come true especially after a long wait and years for hard work.

Only now we realize how fulfilling it could be for a dream to come true. Folks who know Anand, I'm sure, know about how sick he would get working hard as an assistance director.

Please join me in praying for Anand's success. He will now direct a movie with Siddarth, who, I hear, has been instrumental in getting him this break.

All the best Anand. A good health is a good mind. Take care of your health during this hectic times.

We are extremely proud of your achievement!

rest of you, stay tuned here, for updates on the film.